Booking your GP appointment from 17th September.....

The way you will be able to book your GP appointment is changing.

From 6pm on Monday 16th September we will be partnering with Rapid Health to enable you to book your GP appointment via our website and you will no longer need to wait on a telephone line to speak to someone.

What is Rapid Health?

Rapid health is an AI driven triage tool approved by the NHS which allows you to book appointments quickly and offers more patient choice and availability by offering you the right appointment with the right clinician first time.

How do I book an appointment?

The link to access Rapid Health will be posted on our website. There will also be posters in the practice with the link and a QR code.

However, we understand that not everyone can use online services and our Reception team will still be available on the phone and in person.

The team will take you through the same triage questions as online access would have done. You will then be subject to the same triage as patients booking online and a suitable appointment offered. We would advise those how can use the online system to do so as phoning the practice or attending in person will not “jump the queue” for appointments, as the same triage will apply albeit the practice staff will be completing the form for you.


Published on 28 August 2024